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So yesterday I wrote my 50th blog entry - hoorah!
I believe that any sort of work or accomplishment needs to be rewarded, don't you?
In light of that philosophy, today's the day I'm going to redeem my "free coffee" voucher.

I like coincidences (often God-incidences) and coincidentally 50 is the number of lengths that I swim early each Wednesday morning. At the sports centre - every Wednesday I can - always 50. And yes, I count - I count RELIGIOUSLY.

And this is how it goes:
1-10 - " Oh my goodness it's cold. My goggles are leaking. I think I recognise that lifeguard does my bum look big in this?. I'm never going to manage 50 today, in fact no-one will know or care if I do less. Yes, less will be fine and then I'll head to Starbucks for a grande skinny latte and fruit bread yum!"

10 - "Ok, we're getting somewhere now, a fifth of the way done already."

13 - "That's more done - let's work out the maths, a quarter of the way done now"

20 - " Two fifths done, but I'll be happier when I get to 25"

25 - "Hoorah, half way! I've got less to swim now than I've already swum"

25-40 - "This is great. Should my legs kick out more? What happens if I push harder with my arms? Could I attempt front crawl? Why is that man splashing so much? Why do men wear speedos? Oh dear I need to overtake that swimmer - they'll probably think I'm racing them. I like swimming. I should swim more, I should work out. This feels good."

40-50 - "The home straight - counting down now! Thank you God for a body that moves. For water. For a husband who is at this precise moment in the final throes of getting the children off to school - perhaps I'll stay in a bit longer?!"

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