I've been to Zambia with Lindsey Reece-Smith on two occasions . She was fantastic - never tired of my ridiculous questions or our preoccupation with "what's for dinner?". Especially that first trip - first time in Africa - she helped me to begin to process how we (in the UK) can respond to, and have an ongoing relationship with our sisters and brothers in Zambia. It's a world away - and yet it's a day's travel away. The women live such very different lives - and yet we connected in so many ways, both deep and frivolous. Walking into a mud hut in the village to see a dressing table with a mirror and lipstick; shoes and hats displayed spoke volumes to me about how women are the SAME the world over!
Lindsey really helped me to process the intense experiences.
Lindsey is part of our church community at Kerith, and she is living and working in Haiti for the next two months.She is a fantastic woman - she is so very capable, and so if anyone will cope with living in Haiti , it's Lindsey!
Lindsey really helped me to process the intense experiences.
So I'm writing to ask you to please take a few minutes to subscribe to her blog for regular updates - so that we keep remembering the people in Haiti who have suffered and lost so much; and so that we can pray for Lindsey and the others from Tearfund and the other relief agencies working out there.
It's easy, just log on to her blog here and then sign up to receive it by email, by entering your email address. It will greatly encourage her to know that we are not forgetting her - and especially that we are praying for her. Thank you x