Just wanted to remind you that this Saturday (4-7pm) is our
Mamma Mia event at the Kerith Centre. Tickets are £3 for the refreshments - popcorn, sweets drinks..and a tub of ice cream in the interval :)
We'll be watching the Mamma Mia singalong DVD together.
It's not too late to buy tickets - please drop into the Kerith Centre or call Val or Debbie at reception to put some tickets by for you. Especially if you are thinking of bringing a group - we want enough ice creams for us all!
The event is pure fun and friendship - a great and easy way of being with old and new friends. Saturday's event will also be the first opportunity to buy your tickets for Real, the Unique Conference on July 3rd. So come prepared to be one of the first to book in! Kim Hoelterhoff will be sharing the conference teaching with me; and she will also be with us at Mamma Mia ,so come and say hi to her.
It's a beautiful day and I have an unexpected day off - God's gift to my sanity I reckon! I'm off to pick up the final version of the Real invitation - can't wait! It'll be off to the printers later today ready for Saturday. Then I'll be phoning family, friends and work colleagues inviting them to a really great event happening this Saturday!
Remember to buy your tickets - see you there x