I've recently updated the links on my blog to some other great blogs. As many of you get this blog through email I guess you don't really visit the main site, so thought I'd flag them up with you here. I do read some blogs by men too (Simon and Andy from Kerith, Sean and Craig from Reading, Steve Tibbet,) and also some "topic blogs" (Serenje, Stirred up leadership, Willow Creek) ...but these are the women that I follow!
Leading and Loving it connecting, encouraging and equipping Pastors wives and women in ministry
The Preachers Wife Thanks to Heather for this one!
Charlotte Gambill You already know I think that Charlotte's completely amazing - she's just posted a video blog with a new year message, encouraging us all to plan and prepare - it's great!
Girltalk These women (mum and 3 daughters) are so godly - practical, wise advice - always cross-centred and Jesus-focussed. Great photos too!
Shauna Niequist Bill and Lynne Hybel's daughter, author of Cold Tangerines and Bittersweet. I love her honesty and also her food descriptions!
Lynne Hybels Always thought provoking and often with an activist/worldview slant.
There are also great blogs written by others in the Kerith community; and there's loads more great stuff out there - so what are your recommendations?
Leading and Loving it connecting, encouraging and equipping Pastors wives and women in ministry
The Preachers Wife Thanks to Heather for this one!
Charlotte Gambill You already know I think that Charlotte's completely amazing - she's just posted a video blog with a new year message, encouraging us all to plan and prepare - it's great!
Girltalk These women (mum and 3 daughters) are so godly - practical, wise advice - always cross-centred and Jesus-focussed. Great photos too!
Shauna Niequist Bill and Lynne Hybel's daughter, author of Cold Tangerines and Bittersweet. I love her honesty and also her food descriptions!
Lynne Hybels Always thought provoking and often with an activist/worldview slant.
There are also great blogs written by others in the Kerith community; and there's loads more great stuff out there - so what are your recommendations?