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Simply Word and Worship

If you've missed the Unique Breakfasts, and the opportunity they created to gather together as women,  you'll love this!
 Word and Worship
is an evening Unique event for all Kerith women.
On Saturday 19th March at 7.30pm in the Kerith Centre.

So, it's pretty much "what it says on the tin" - with the focus on us women gathering together, worshipping and hearing some Bible-based teaching. There'll be more information about the Real Conference, and  the opportunity to register for the conference that evening. The beautiful Real invites will be available for you to take to keep and also to pass onto friends. Also, we've still got some Rachel Hickson CDs for those of you that haven't yet had yours.
For those of you who like to know what you're coming to, the format is half an hour of free time to mingle, chat, enjoy a cookie and a coffee or tea. Then we'll take our seats (in rows) to sing, listen, pray and simply be together! To cover costs, we are charging £2.50 entry - we won't be selling tickets or paying in advance, it's simply "Come and Pay on the Door" .
SO...pop the date in your diary and invite your friends - it's fun to arrive together (and really helps with the car-parking!) and spend time with each other. Tell the other women in your friendship and serving groups - like it on Facebook - tweet, blog, whatever!
Any questions, come and speak to me or Sue Ranger
I'm really looking forward to us all gathering together again.

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