There are only a few Albanian words I'm confident saying, "Zoti bekoft" - "God bless you" is probably my most used phrase, closely followed by "Faleminderit " - "Thank you".
I've been in Albania for a few days now, and we've served at the UNIKE Conference led by Miranda Ajeti. We had a wonderful time - the 400+ women who attended were as friendly as ever, and we were smothered in hugs and numerous kisses! God was so good to us - the women were hungry, and really appreciated the worship and the teaching - it was a privilege for us to serve them.
Alice has been taking photos and spending time with the teenage girls. Iris has been warmly embraced by the lovely "vintage " ladies - and they were so encouraged and blessed to hear that she and Glyn had consistently prayed, every Thursday for all the Albanian women.

I've just been interviewed for Albanian Christian television (Media7) by a lovely lady called Enela. All slightly surreal for a 50-something woman from Bracknell, as they swiftly reapplied my make up (I was too shiny!) and we conducted the interview outside, in the hotel grounds. They were lovely, and made me feel at ease. It was so great to be able to talk about Miranda's heart for the conference here, and to talk about Jesus and faith!
So now I have a free afternoon, which I'm grateful for, as there was an incredible storm last night which woke me up, so I've already been up quite a few hours!!! I'm looking forward to some rest, and time chatting with Miranda and Tomor later today.
There'll be more stories to share, but for now just this quick update and some images to paint the picture of where we are and what we're doing.
I'm so grateful for your prayers and support, and for the opportunity to come away to serve these lovely ladies and this nation.
Zoti bekoft!
I've been in Albania for a few days now, and we've served at the UNIKE Conference led by Miranda Ajeti. We had a wonderful time - the 400+ women who attended were as friendly as ever, and we were smothered in hugs and numerous kisses! God was so good to us - the women were hungry, and really appreciated the worship and the teaching - it was a privilege for us to serve them.
Alice has been taking photos and spending time with the teenage girls. Iris has been warmly embraced by the lovely "vintage " ladies - and they were so encouraged and blessed to hear that she and Glyn had consistently prayed, every Thursday for all the Albanian women.

I've just been interviewed for Albanian Christian television (Media7) by a lovely lady called Enela. All slightly surreal for a 50-something woman from Bracknell, as they swiftly reapplied my make up (I was too shiny!) and we conducted the interview outside, in the hotel grounds. They were lovely, and made me feel at ease. It was so great to be able to talk about Miranda's heart for the conference here, and to talk about Jesus and faith!
So now I have a free afternoon, which I'm grateful for, as there was an incredible storm last night which woke me up, so I've already been up quite a few hours!!! I'm looking forward to some rest, and time chatting with Miranda and Tomor later today.
There'll be more stories to share, but for now just this quick update and some images to paint the picture of where we are and what we're doing.
I'm so grateful for your prayers and support, and for the opportunity to come away to serve these lovely ladies and this nation.
Zoti bekoft!